The Giving Tree

We believe that no child should be without a gift at Christmas. Instant Neighbour’s Giving Tree appeal continues to be supported by many local businesses and the general public, to distribute new toys to children across the City & Shire who otherwise would not receive a gift at Christmas. 

Why support the Giving Tree

We believe that no child should be without a gift at Christmas. Instant Neighbour’s Giving Tree appeal continues to be supported by many local businesses and the general public, to distribute new toys to children across the City & Shire who otherwise would not receive a gift at Christmas.

12/11/24. The Aberdeen Lord Provost Dr David Cameron and Lady Provost Hazel Cameron helped launch the annual Instant Neighbour, Giving Tree gift appeal along with Sophy Green, CEO of Instant Neighbour


Instant Neighbour works with social work departments, community projects, and other similar organisations across Aberdeen City and Shire as well as our own clients. Both Instant Neighbour and these organisations work with parents and families living in very difficult situations; many of these families are unable to afford to buy Christmas gifts for their children. The Giving Tree ensures that these children will not go without gifts at Christmas.

These organisations refer children to Instant Neighbour so that they may receive a gift through the Giving Tree. Instant Neighbour arranges for the printing of gift tags, each of which relates to one of the children referred to the appeal. The tag details the child’s name, age, and gender.

Supporters across Aberdeen City and Shire – businesses, schools, universities, and other organisations – take Giving Tree tags from Instant Neighbour and place them on their Christmas trees. Many supporters make the trees available to members of the public. People can then collect a tag from a tree, purchase a gift, and return the gift with the tag attached to the tree location (or another tree location).

Instant Neighbour then collects all of the donated gifts, arranges for them to be sorted and boxed, and then delivered to partner organisations and our own clients in time for Christmas parties and other events at which the gifts will be given out to the children.

Please do not wrap your gift. We can accept gifts unwrapped or in a gift bag and with the tag securely attached so we can clearly identify the age, gender or specific child the gift is for.  If you do not have a tag, please attach a label which clearly label states the age and gender of child the gift you are donating is suitable for so it can be sorted quickly and correctly.

Here is a list of our tag collection points for 2024;

  • Bon Accord Centre
  • Aberdeen Art Gallery, Schoolhill
  • Michies the Chemist, Union Street
  • Fountainhall Church at the Cross , Albyn Place
  • Sainsbury’s, Berryden
  • Strachan’s Toy Shop, 11 West High St, Inverurie
  • Trinity Centre, Management Office
  • Union Square, Guild Street
  • Yorkshire Building Society, Union Street
  • Co-op Stonehaven, David Street, Stonehaven
  • The Body Shop, St Nicholas Centre
  • Virgin Money, 1 Queen’s Cross

Here is a list of our gift drop off points for 2024;

  • Boots – Bon Accord Centre
  • Home Comforts, 1-3 Great Western Road
  • Instant Neighbour, 5 St Machar Drive
  • Michies the Chemist, Union Street
  • Fountainhall Church at the Cross, Albyn Place
  • Sainsbury’s Berryden
  • Strachan’s Toy Shop, West High St, Inverurie
  • Trinity Centre, Management Office
  • Virgin Money, 1 Queen’s Cross
  • Yorkshire Building Society, Union Street
  • Co-op Stonehaven, David Street, Stonehaven

The deadline for returning gifts to a drop off location for 2024 is Monday 2nd December.  This enables us to sort the gifts in a tight turnaround time to distribute them to the children before Christmas.

If you miss this deadline we might still be able to accept your gift.  If it is after the return date please return it to us directly at our office at 5 St Machar Drive.

If you don’t know what gift to buy, please have a look at our Gift Guide. It should give you some good ideas for all age groups!

You can also attend our sorting venue as a volunteer to assist with sorting all the donations received. If you would like to volunteer, please see the volunteering section below.

The success of The Giving Tree is not possible without our fantastic team of volunteers.  This years volunteer sessions are running Mon-Fri during November / December. If you would like to volunteer your time, full details, including dates and venue are outlined on our online booking system or email

Gift Guide

Many of the children who will receive gifts through the Giving Tree live in families which struggle to afford Christmas dinner. We have compiled this gift guide to assist you in deciding what gift to purchase for a child.

Gift in Will

Leaving a gift in your will is one of the most powerful ways you can support our work. Your loved one’s memory will live on forever through the legacy of this very personal gift..

How to Donate

The Giving Tree Appeal is only successful due to the generosity of the people and organisations of Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. We now have available different ways that you can donate to the Giving Tree appeal