About Us

Instant Neighbour has been supporting people in Aberdeen City and Shire for almost 40 years.  We support people on low incomes to set up home, by providing access to low-cost reuse furniture, white goods, clothing and bric a brac.  As well as our shops, our services include Carpetinc and Joinerinc, professional services that are accessible to everyone to use. 

We offer employability experiences through volunteering in our shops, warehouse, in our vans and in our office. 

Any profit made from the above go back into the organisation to support our Charitable work. 

Our Impact 2023 – 2024


Through donations of household and electrical items, clothing we are able to provide these for people to re-use therefore diverting tonnes from landfill each year.

Food Bank

The foodbank at Instant Neighbour has offered emergency food parcels to people in need since 1984 when the charity launched in the back room of Holburn West Church in Aberdeen.  Due to the constant increases in demand for our services we rely very heavily on the generosity of individuals, organisations and businesses to make donations to keep the foodbank going. 

Giving Tree

We believe that no child should be without a gift at Christmas. Instant Neighbour’s Giving Tree appeal continues to be supported by many local businesses and the general public, to distribute new toys to children across the City & Shire who otherwise would not receive a gift at Christmas.


We pride ourselves in giving pre-loved goods a new home. We ensure that all the goods we sell are of the highest safety and quality standards. In 2023-2024 we re-used 104 tonnes of items comprising of household furniture, clothing and electrical appliances.


Very important to Instant Neighbour, to be able to offer work experience through volunteering.  We offer this to people who are furthest from employment, but also very much appreciate those with skills, such as Digital, HR, Logistics etc… to come and volunteer too. Without our volunteers, we simply couldn’t do what we do.

Contract Work

We store the furniture and belongings of people who face homelessness, we then return their belongings to them once rehoused.

Our Social Enterprises

The Shops

Through donations, we sell good quality reused furniture, white goods, household items and clothing.

Our shops are Revolve Certified, which is the quality standard for reuse items meeting high standards in safety, cleanliness and service, giving shoppers that extra reassurance to purchase reuse.

Support your local charity and do your bit for the environment too.


Joinery icon - saw


Have you ever simply needed a  shelf put up or a cupboard door fixed, perhaps you have required a bigger job, like fitting a new kitchen or building a new staircase?

Well look no further.

Carpet icon


Do you require affordable, good quality carpets or vinyls?

Look no further than CARPETINC, we are the only carpet re-use social enterprise in the North East of Scotland.

Meet the team

Meet the people helping to make a real difference to poverty in Aberdeen.